
編號 中文 英文
301 人工林經營 plantation management
302 栽植計畫 planting plan; afforestation plan; establishment plan
303 造林計畫 planting plan; afforestation plan; establishment plan; plan of silvicultural operations
304 栽植間隔 planting space; planting distance; spacing of plants
305 植樹間隔 planting space; planting distance; spacing of plants
306 栽植距離 planting space; planting distance; spacing of plants; espacement
307 種苗認證 planting stock certification
308 造林 planting; afforestation; forestation
309 造林 planting; afforestation; forestation
310 栽植 planting; plantation
311 選留樹 plus tree; select tree; superior tree
312 優型樹 plus tree; select tree; superior tree
313 私有林 private forest
314 生產材目錄 product summary
315 生產材明細表 product summary
316 堆積材明細表 product summary
317 生產計畫 production planning
318 生產目標 production target
319 保護區(各類保護區之通稱) Protected Areas
320 保育類野生動物 Protected Wildlife; Protected Species
目前總筆數:500  目前所在頁數:16/25
瀏覽人次:29673 最後更新日期:2020-03-30